iS10 Scale

The international Standard for scoring the QUALITY of products and services.

The iS10 Scale is the ultimate communication scale for professional reviewers. It promotes clear, transparent and comparable scores.

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iS10 Quality Description Position in category
iS 10.0 Magnificent
iS 9.5 Exceptional Top end of Exceptional
iS 9.0 Exceptional Mid range of Exceptional
iS 8.5 Exceptional Lower end of Exceptional
iS 8.0 Great Top end of Great
iS 7.5 Great Mid range of Great
iS 7.0 Great Lower end of Great
iS 6.5 Good Top end of Good
iS 6.0 Good Mid range of Good
iS 5.5 Good Lower end of Good
iS 5.0 Ordinary Top end of Ordinary
iS 4.5 Ordinary Mid range of Ordinary
iS 4.0 Ordinary Lower end of Ordinary
iS 3.5 Disappointing Top end of Disappointing
iS 3.0 Disappointing Mid range of Disappointing
iS 2.5 Disappointing Lower end of Disappointing
iS 2.0 Unacceptable Top end of Unacceptable
iS 1.5 Unacceptable Mid range of Unacceptable
iS 1.0 Unacceptable Lower end of Unacceptable
iS 0.5 Terrible
iS 0.0 Not Rated

The value of scores awarded by professional reviewers is amplified when reviewers use an iS Scale

  • iS scores are clearly defined
  • iS scores are directly comparable to those of other professional reviewers using any of the iS Scales.


More meaningful scores will lead to better reader understanding and appreciation and promote higher circulation and enhanced reader loyalty.


Take your reviews to the ultimate level of professionalism. Adopt the relevant iS Scale and enhance the quality of your readers’ experience.

Adopt the iS10 Scale today to promote clear, transparent and comparable scores.