Adopt an iS Scale

Customised Rating Solutions

iS Ratings develop custom made scales for our clients. The iS Scales are perfect for every product or service.


Whether you need a ratings system for product reviews; service feedback from customers; on-line User reviews and scoring systems or a customized employee review system, iS Ratings has the ideal solution.

Are you a professional Wine Reviewer?

Please visit

Our process for developing a customized rating system is simple:


  1. Initial contact by client indicating what they wish to achieve
  2. Outline brief prepared by iS Ratings in response to client’s needs
  3. Once the brief is agreed, a quote for the customized rating system and ongoing licence fee is provided
  4. When the client approves the quote the customized rating system is created.

Contact us now and we will develop a customised solution designed for your business, your customers or your staff. Email

Check out some of our existing customised solutions!

The iS Winescale system at and the AWESOMME iS10 Value for Money system at

Individual Reviewer Licence


  • Communicate a clear and comparable assessment
  • Demonstrate an enhanced level of international professionalism
  • Readers can readily compare scores from professional reviewers

Group/Corporate Reviewer Licence

On Request

For a Group/Corporate Reviewer Licence (i.e. a business requiring a licence for more than one reviewer), please contact us for a group/corporate rate. Please provide email correspondence details and the number of reviewers that you wish to have covered by a licence.


Adopting an iS Scale brings greater clarity and comparability to ratings from professional reviewers.


  • Communicate a clear and comparable assessment using the iS international standard rating system for products and services.
  • Demonstrate an enhanced level of international professionalism by prefixing each score with the relevant iS Scale logo and using the relevant iS descriptor.
    (Example iS10 7.5 pts Great)
  • Readers can readily compare scores from professional reviewers who use an iS Scale.

Adopt an iS Scale today to promote clear, transparent and comparable scores.