iS5 Scale

Gain more customers and provide greater value.

The iS5 Scale makes customer feedback, in the form of user ratings, more meaningful and relevant because user ratings are clearly defined and readily understood.


Licensed users can select the symbol of their choice. For example:


★ ■ ▲ ●

iSScale Quality Description
★★★★★ Exceptional
★★★★☆ Great
★★★☆☆ Good
★★☆☆☆ Disappointing
★☆☆☆☆ Unacceptable
☆☆☆☆☆ NR

Few businesses define exactly what each star, circle or square means in their 5-symbol rating system. The iS Ratings System resolves this issue by defining the precise meaning for every combination of symbols.


Businesses using an iS Scale provide greater clarity and therefore greater value to their customers, a sure formula for gaining more customers.


Provide greater value to your customers by adopting a clearly defined international Standard Rating system for your business.

Bring clarity and consistency to your existing five symbol rating system.